Ministry Support

Ministry is hard. We feel called to provide a network of support to families who sacrificially give their lives to others. We do this by providing crisis counseling grants and refresh retreats around the country for much needed rest and relaxation.

Over 250 pastors leave the church each month.
Let's change that.

Refresh Retreats

We are so excited to host Refresh Retreats. These unique weekends provide time for ministry couples to have fun, receive encouragement, and get the refresh they need to fulfill their calling. They will learn what it means to honor God in the sabbath and to practice life rhythms that will help them to stay healthy as they serve others.

Register for a refresh retreat by filling out the form below.

Registration is free for all ministry families. To sponsor a family click here.

Helpful Links

Trusted counselors, ministry partners and other resources for ministry families.


Ministry is hard. We want to link arms with you and provide you with resources so you can process pain, learn tools for healthy practices, and receive help in order to continue to lead well. Fathom Family counseling grants will completely remove the  financial burden and allow you to focus on getting and staying healthy.

Counseling Grants

Fill out the form below to request a counseling grant.