* Originally posted on 02/02/2024.

Recently, my husband called from his office and after chatting for a few minutes, I inquisitively asked, “And what did you R-E-A-L-L-Y call me about?” 

Now I know my question was a bit suspicious, but my man typically calls because he needs me to do something…and honestly, I was already bracing for what that task might be. But he kindly responded, “No Peg. I didn’t call for any other reason except to tell you that I love you and that I was thinking about you.”  

And like Cupid’s arrow, his kindness cut through my questioning heart – so much so that I savored my man’s loving words ALL afternoon. And I might add: His call became the catalyst to a very lovely evening together. 

In our busy, challenging lives, it’s no surprise that two people must work at it to keep love alive. But since marriage is a labor of love and because it’s the month of the Valentine, I wanted to give you and your spouse (and me and mine) a few simple ideas to perhaps help invigorate this love that we share as man and wife. And should you choose to do this, you can process through these ideas in one sitting or use them as a guide to strengthen your marriage throughout the month. You choose. Be creative. And remember: Maturing love takes time.  


  • Take time to reflect on the very beginning of your relationship and on the attributes that drew you to one another in the first place. Then, communicate together about many of the amazing qualities you see in each other today. 
  • Take time to practice ways of delighting, surprising and building each other up with kind words, heartfelt love notes, unexpected, “I just wanted to hear your voice,” phone calls or tantalizing texts. Hugs and kisses and saying, “I love you,” can’t happen too much in marriage. Inviting your spouse out for an intimate date or for a planned “date hour” at home (after the kids are tucked away in bed) is especially needed “us time” for just you two. Discover fresh ways to thrill your spouse, reminding each other of the love, passion, and commitment you share. 
  • Take time to practice serving each other in ways that will bring joy, thankfulness, encouragement and help to your spouse. Think of creative ways to unselfishly care for your partner that will make them feel extraordinarily blessed, shocked (lol), understood, and loved.  
  • Take time to pray as a couple for God to bless and refresh your marriage with His love. As followers of Christ, we understand that He is the most integral part of our union, and we want His favor and blessing to forever be upon the covenant of love we share. 

“My beloved (lover) is mine and I am his,” are the beautiful words penned in Song of Solomon 2:16. I hope that you and I will take this month of love to show our beloved spouse how thankful we are that God brought us together. And who knows? Perhaps something we choose to practice this month can bring about a simple change for the better that transforms our marriage forever!   

Written by: Peggy Morris. Peggy and her husband, Randy, live in Seminole, FL.

***Looking for practical ways to nurture your marriage? Check out The Meaning of Marriage: A Couple’s Devotional: A Year of Daily Devotions by Timothy and Kathy Keller.
