Don’t Sacrifice Your Nougat

A guilty pleasure is described as an activity that someone enjoys but would be embarrassed by if other people found out. We all have one – for me it’s a candy bar. Not just any candy bar but a shall-remain-nameless-bar. This little piece of heavenly nougat and caramel wrapped up in white chocolate brings me much joy with every bite. Or at least it used to.  

I only indulge occasionally, you see, so when I do, I take my time with each bite. A few weeks ago, I stopped off at a local store and grabbed one. So excited to get started on that treasure, I didn’t notice that it seemed thin.  Well, until that first bite! My teeth touched entirely too soon, and I found myself with a mouth full of caramel and white chocolate. WAIT, where is the nougat??  Y’all, it was there but in such a small amount I had to actually look closely to see it. I thought to myself that maybe I got a bad batch, so I finished it up in disappointment. Yes, calorie counters, I finished it!  And that’s why it’s called a “guilty pleasure.” I am only slightly embarrassed to tell you that I finished this half-par candy bar.

As I took my last (unsatisfying) bite it hit me that a lot of our “everyday” items are getting smaller. Prices are up and quality is down. Sitting in my car, disappointed over the quality of a candy bar, God asked me “how many times have you given me less than your best?”

Whoa!!! My days get busy. My life goes on autopilot. My time creeps away. Before I know it the “goodie” in my relationships with family, friends, and God are barely noticeable. How many of us have faced the same thing?  How many times have we given God a scaled down version of ourselves?  How many times have our spouses had to look closely to find the softness of our hearts? And, how many times have our children missed out on quality time with us?  

I have discovered that I am at my fullest potential when I am fully engulfed in my relationship with the Lord. He gives me peace, purpose, joy, focus, and all the other “good stuff” that fills my center. Then covers everything I do in love. The perfect combination for an abundant life. When my life is full it enhances the relationship I have with those around me.  Offering them quality instead of a scaled down version because I have “cut corners.”  

So how do I maintain the quality they deserve? Honestly, it can be more difficult than it sounds.  We say we need to keep our focus on Christ but when the money is short, the days are long, the extracurricular activities fill our time, and our plates are spinning on both hands and both feet, we often take our eyes off of Him and look at everything else.  

When that happens, we lose our “goodie.” We cut into our time with Jesus so that we can give our children “every opportunity.”  We stop giving because “gymnastics, softball, dance, etc.” cut into our budget.  I mean come on, we have to make cuts to afford “all the things,” so we have to back off our giving. We have other obligations, so we skip out on our time with the family of God. We need to get Johnny and Suzie to practice, there goes our personal time with God. Before we know it, our lives are nothing but a coating over a skinny shell of a candy bar that used to bring us joy.

Discipline!! I for one have gone through seasons of life so busy that Jesus took a backseat. Do I look back and regret my choices to cut that corner….YES!!! John 10:10 says, “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy.  My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” This is Jesus talking. Do you see how the enemy can steal our time, kill our relationships, and destroy our families? But friends, through Christ we are promised a rich and satisfying life. Not one filled with accolades or possessions but one that will lead us and our families to an eternity in heaven.

The parent company of my favorite candy bar chose to make changes that would benefit the bottom line. But in doing so, they changed the quality and ultimately the future of this bar. I encourage you as parents, do not make the same mistake. Continue to hold fast in your faith. Keep your eye on the Father. Remember the best parts of life are seen only through Him. Hang on to the “goodie” y’all…it makes all the difference. 

Written by: Betty Ann NeSmith. Betty Ann lives in Boston, GA with her husband, Payton.


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