3-2-1, GO!

Confession: I have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be. It is something that I am working on in my life, but it’s a real thing, […]

How Marriage Heals

In Christ’s answer to the Pharisees’ question about marriage and divorce, He recollects the Genesis narrative of God’s creation of woman (Eve) out of the rib of the man (Adam). […]

Reflecting on the Holy Family

Well, it’s a few days after Christmas. We spent the last weeks preparing to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. This celebration has brought us together with friends and […]

It’s {not} Just a Season

Have you ever heard the phrase, “it’s just a season”? It is often mentioned to us when we are going through a difficult or painful time. It is meant to […]

When There’s Weight in The Waiting

Are you heavy today? Have you been walking through a season in your personal life and just felt low – like something was pushing you down with every step? Have […]