When Your Call is to Hold Up an Arm

“There’s a third baby.”  My sister’s text had me frozen. I immediately exited the virtual meeting I was attending and called her.  She relayed – with not a little unsteady […]

The Faith of a Mustard Seed

Like many, my faith has been tested. So much so that I am now more certain of God’s presence in my life than ever before. In Matthew 17:20 (NLT), it […]

Godly Marriage: A Three-Strand Cord

Easter Sunday when I was a child meant an early wake up call for my parents. Egg hunting, basket pillaging, obscene chocolate intake, new dresses, shiny new shoes, with lace socks, […]

How Silent Prayer Restored My Marriage

As a new Christian, I leaned on silent prayer as an answer to restore my marriage. I understood God wanted a relationship with me, but I was too ashamed to […]


Elijah, our now 2-year-old son, was named after the Biblical prophet and the way in which God used him to miraculously multiply a supply of flour and oil to sustain […]

Grow with Your Kids

I recently heard a mom processing motherhood. With toddler-aged twins and a newborn, her life is chaotic, and it feels like there’s never enough of her to go around. She […]


This week marks the first day of Spring. A new season. So many possibilities. It’s amazing how our bodies naturally crave the beauty and growth of Spring after a Winter […]

God Gardens with Compost

With Spring quickly approaching, I recently turned my sights toward my small garden. I get eager this time of year to have a productive and flourishing little space. I’m fascinated […]

What are you planting?

Where did that flower come from? It’s February, the middle of the winter.  Granted, we are in South Georgia, so winter is not the same here as it is in other […]

What is Intimacy?

Intimacy presupposes mutuality, sharing – both giving to and receiving from the other. At its height, intimacy is a kind of complete and total motion of offering/receiving — emptying oneself […]