Don’t Sacrifice Your Nougat

A guilty pleasure is described as an activity that someone enjoys but would be embarrassed by if other people found out. We all have one – for me it’s a candy […]

The “Why?” behind the “What?”

I will never forget the day. My husband and I had planted a church in 2013, and we were about 4 years into this calling on our lives. We had […]

They Need You, Sir

It can be incredibly difficult to raise godly children in the current environment of popular culture. You can’t really get away from it unless you truly live off the grid, […]

Draw Near

In the past week I have attended three award ceremonies at our kids’ schools. Each one has brought tears to my eyes because another school year has gone by. They […]

Show Them Jesus

Coffee brewing in a dimly lit house is one of my favorite things. See, much to the distaste of my family, I am an early riser. As a matter of fact, as […]

Do you trust me?

I will never forget finding out about being pregnant for the first time. Where I was. How long it took to see if enough lines were on the test. The […]