Changing Your Life Through Gratitude

(Originally posted November 2022) Gratitude. What a word. If you asked anyone what this word means they would probably come up with an answer that includes the word “thankful.’ This […]

Christian Date Night Ideas for Married Couples

It’s time to rekindle your love with these Christian date night ideas for married couples! Whether you’re newly wedded, comfortably married, working things out, or empty-nesters, you and your spouse […]

Water Your Grass.

“I need to write about how important it is to date your spouse for a blog this week. Any thoughts?” I asked my husband this out of the blue one […]

Bring Back That Lovin’ Feelin’

This weekend my husband and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary. Seven years ago we stood in front of our family and friends and committed to each other for […]

Dating in Marriage: How to Get Creative

Do you remember when you first started dating? You wanted to be together as much as humanly possible. You would rearrange your whole world to spend just a few minutes […]

The Importance of Dating Your Spouse

Picture it with me. It’s the beginning of a new month, and we are all looking around wondering how last month is already over. Just today, you have taken one […]


Looking at the calendar this week that is full of work meetings, social engagements, and church volunteer opportunities would give anyone else not in our daily life anxiety, but in […]

5 Ways to Slow Life Down with Your Kids

When given this creative outlet to share about life as a wife, mother, and woman of God, I was extremely excited and honored. Thirty years as a wife and twenty-six as […]

Still Small Voice

Since having kids 12+ years ago, I have learned (sometimes very stubbornly) that the Lord often uses our mundane, everyday moments with our children to speak to us. We think […]

The Journey of Sanctification

Ill-equipped. That’s how I feel most days as I tackle the small people running around my house. (I’m not physically tackling them, of course, though they’ve physically tackled me a […]