Redeeming Love: A Gift Undeserved

A few nights ago, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of teenagers about what is definitely the most difficult topic that they need to hear . . […]

Love Them for Their Season

It’s been a week of date-night pictures and social media posts. Love is in the air! The week surrounding Valentine’s has hardly blipped on my radar since having a daughter […]

Remember Back to the Beginning

We celebrated my daughter and future son-in-law this past week as we officially kicked off wedding season. They are getting married in March, Easter weekend actually. I’m sure you can imagine […]

Maturing Love Takes Time

Recently, my husband called from his office and after chatting for a few minutes, I inquisitively asked, “And what did you R-E-A-L-L-Y call me about?”  Now I know my question […]

Content not Complacent

A few days ago one of the little boys that I get to spend my day with was playing peacefully with some blocks. He would line them up in a […]

Living with Nothing or Everything

I tried an experiment this week. I took away 95% of my daughter’s toys. This was mainly because her behaviors were through the roof since Christmas and I wanted to […]


Psalm 23: 1-6 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. […]

Reflecting on the Holy Family

This post was first published on December 28, 2022. Well, it’s a few days after Christmas. We spent the last weeks preparing to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. […]