Making Gratitude a Daily Practice

The idea of living a life of gratitude often sounds super “spiritual and grounded.” If your life is as chaotic as mine, it might sound downright unattainable most days. It’s […]

Gratitude: Seeing God’s Provision in All Forms

“Mama, Bible stories?” Truly, there’s nothing sweeter than that request from my 20-month-old daughter. On the hardest days of motherhood, it helps me feel that maybe I’m doing at least […]

Changing Your Life through Gratitude

Gratitude. What a word. If you asked anyone what this word means they would probably come up with an answer that includes the word “thankful.’ This word meant much the […]

Raising PKs

40% of pastors’ kids, or PKs, have questioned their faith.  33% are no longer active in the church.  7% no longer consider themselves Christians.1 Wow! Those numbers are heartbreaking to […]

No, They Don’t Know.

Greetings fellow relationship warriors!  To those of you new to the marriage tribe who are engulfed in the “blissful glow” of the honeymoon phase… welcome. To those more seasoned veterans […]